Martinsburg VA Medical Center

  • 510 Butler Avenue
  • Martinsburg



About Our Facility

Located in the heart of West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle, the Martinsburg Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) can be found on 175 acres in historic Berkeley County and has a service area of more than 126,000 veterans in West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The Medical Center, part of the VA Capitol Health Care Network (VISN 5), offers a comprehensive range of services, including internal medicine, ambulatory surgery, audiology and speech pathology, dental, nursing home, nutrition, podiatry, prosthetics, women's health, mental health and rehabilitation medicine. Patient care is provided through an integrated primary care concept, and each veteran is assigned to a team of health care providers that follows the patient's care both as an inpatient and an outpatient. It is the mission of the Medical Center to honor America's Veterans as heroes by providing the highest quality health care. The employees of the Martinsburg VAMC are dedicated to improving the quality of life for eligible veterans through excellent health care.


George Washington University School of Medicine
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
West Virginia University Medical & Dental Schools


69 Hospital
178 Nursing Home Care Unit
312 Domiciliary


General Medical & Surgical, Long-term Care, Rehab & Domiciliary


Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation Unit
Audiology & Speech Pathology
Homeless Domiciliary Program
Inpatient Hospice (Palliative Care)
Intensive Care Unit
Medical Center and Domiciliary-Based Substance Abuse Programs
Mental Hygiene Clinic
Nuclear Medicine
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Residential Rehab (PTSD-PRRP) Program
Primary Care
Pulmonary Function Lab
Same-Day Surgery
Traumatic Brain Injury-Community Re-Entry

The following Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC) come under this facility:

Cumberland Clinic
200 Glenn Street
Cumberland, MD 21502
Phone: (301) 724-0061
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

Fort Detrick Outpatient Clinic
1433 Porter Street
Fort Detrick Army Garrison
Frederick, MD 21702
(301) 624-1200 
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

Franklin Contract Outpatient Clinic
Pendelton Community Care
91 Pine Street
Franklin, WV 26807
Phone: 1- 800-817-3807 

Hagerstown Outpatient Clinic
Hub Plaza Building
1101 Opal Court
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Phone: (301) 665-1462
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

Harrisonburg Contract Outpatient Clinic
1755 S. High Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: (540) 282-6035
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

Petersburg Contract Outpatient Clinic
Grant Memorial Hospital
P. O. Box 1019
Petersburg, WV 26847
Phone: (304) 257-5817
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

Winchester Clinic
100 Dawson Drive
Winchester, VA 22602
Phone: (540) 869-0600
Toll-Free 1-800-817-3807

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