The goal for advanced practitioners is to find a great job that matches their professional and personal goals, but before you can start you must interview for that position. Interviewing can provoke anxious thoughts for many, but that anxiety often comes from the fear of not knowing what to expect with interviews. With social distancing restrictions slowly being phased out, it is best to prepare for any type of interview that you may face.

Interview Types

  1. Phone interview – Typically a one-on-one call between you and an interviewer (maybe a recruiter or part of their human resources team). This interview type is traditionally used at the beginning of your interview process with an organization because it allows more schedule flexibility and allows the organization to screen candidates. Phone interviews are utilized to ensure that you are a qualified candidate for that position, assess your communication skills, and develop a better understanding of your professional background and career goals.
  2. Virtual Interview – Virtual interviews became the new normal for many job seekers. These interviews may be one-on-one or with a group of interviewers, but virtual interviews are used in place of in-person interviews as a way for organizations to assess your verbal and non-verbal communication skills, even if you are hundreds of miles apart. With virtual interviews, you have the additional responsibility to secure the necessary software and equipment, as well as create your interview space. Since you will be on camera, try to find a neutral background that will not distract your interviewer(s) and allows you to be seen easily (make sure you have good lighting).
  3. In-person interview – An in-person interview requires you to go into a specified location, typically at the hospital or medical campus, with a group of interviewers. Before you leave for your interview, you need to prepare a few items – print out copies of your CV, letters of recommendation, or any other documents that you may reference during the interview. It also doesn’t hurt to have an “emergency kit” in your bag for personal items like mints, comb/brush, perfume or cologne spray, or any other item that will help you feel your best for your interview!

No matter what type of interview you are facing, remember to be yourself and don’t try to say what you think the interviewer wants to hear. You are interviewing that organization as well to determine if it’s the right fit for your personal and professional goals. Looking for more advanced practitioner job tips Check out our Articles!

Hayley Woszczynski

Hayley Woszczynski - Physician & Program Relations Manager. You can stay connected with me on LinkedIn for all of the latest PracticeMatch articles and upcoming events.