Are you a Nurse Practitioner looking for a new job opportunity or just wanting top-level pay for your hard work? If so, take a look at this list of places across the US where Nurse Practitioners are getting top pay for the services they provide.‌ It just may have you considering a change in employment.

Top Paying States for NP Practice *

  • California

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice

    California really is "The Golden State" when it comes to Nurse Practitioner pay. NPs in this state earn $133,780 annually. This is considerably higher than the national NP average salary according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, of $110,030 annually. This state is also notable for employing the highest number of Nurse Practitioners, with a little over 13,000 NPs calling it home.

  • Alaska

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice

    This state offers outdoor adventure, unique clinical opportunities and great pay for Nurse Practitioners seeking something different. NPs working in these frequently remote and often independent practice sites can expect to make $122,880 a year.

  • Massachusetts

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice

    Even though it's small in size, Massachusetts packs a big punch when it comes to NP salaries. Nurse Practitioners here make $122,740 annually.

  • New Jersey

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice

    "The Garden State" has a lot to offer when it comes to location, great clinical opportunities and pay for Nurse Practitioners. NPs in this state make salaries of $122,100 a year.

  • New York

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice

    Nurse Practitioners hungry for higher pay can take a bite out of the Big Apple and head to New York where pay averages $120,970 a year. This state is also a top employer of Nurse Practitioners with over 13,000 claiming it as their home.

Top Paying Regions for NP Practice

  • New Bedford

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice: New Bedford

    The area of New Bedford, Massachusetts tops the list for high-level Nurse Practitioner pay. NPs working in this area make over $46,000 more a year in take-home pay than the national average income NP salary.

  • San Francisco

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice: San Francisco

    With a high cost of living and even higher real estate prices, people working in San Francisco need to make above average salaries to make ends meet. This may explain why Nurse Practitioners working in the area make about $40,000 more a year than do NPs working elsewhere in the US.

  • Spokane

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice: Spokane

    Nurse Practitioners practicing in the great state of Washington around the Spokane region can expect to make an average of $38,000 more a year than their colleagues.

  • Sumter

    Top Paying Places for Nurse Practitioner Practice: Sumter

    The South Carolina city of Sumter may be small, but it packs a big punch when it comes to NP income. NPs working in this area make $35,000 more a year in income than do other practicing Nurse Practitioners working in other areas.