St. Michael’s Medical Center

  • 111 Central Ave
  • Newark



Emergency Medicine Physician Opportunity to join our Team in the heart of New Jersey

Saint Michael's Medical Center's Emergency Department has among the shortest wait times of any hospital in the Greater Newark region. Your time to see our highly qualified medical staff will be measured in minutes not hours. If admission to the hospital is required, you will be admitted via a special admissions unit so you won't wait for a bed.

Saint Michael's has the most modern, up-to-date Emergency Department in the region. Our 27,000-square-foot facility has 39 private treatment bays as well as two resuscitation rooms equipped with state-of-the art equipment. Last year, the Emergency Department had more than 47,000 visits. 

Saint Michael's Emergency Department is staffed by board-certified physicians with extensive training in emergency medicine as well as certified physician assistants. Our nursing staff consists of highly trained and certified emergency nurses and emergency department technicians. 

A dedicated room for state-of-the-art imaging, including CT scanning and X-ray equipment, is located within the Emergency Department, so we can diagnose your injuries immediately. 

Saint Michael's Emergency Department is also experienced in treating ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI), a very serious type of heart attack in which one of the heart’s major arteries (one of the arteries that supplies oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the heart muscle) is blocked. In these cases, time is of the essence. Our full-service cardiac surgery center with a cardiac catheterization lab ensures that you will be treated quickly, increasing the odds of survival. 

When you are discharged from the Emergency Department, we will connect with your doctor and if you don't have one, we can assign one to you to ensure continued health. Saint Michael's is affiliated with some of the top medical specialists in the region. 



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