Advanced Practitioner Database

Advanced Practitioners database

You already know that Pinpoint is the industry-leading physician database, but did you know we also have an Advanced Practitioner database? This allows you to search for a number of different providers including: Nurse Practitioners (NP), Physician Assistants (PA), Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS), and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA).

Our database holds contact information on over 372,000+ providers and includes the ability to send vibrant email campaigns, download phone numbers for a calling campaign, or pull mailing addresses for a direct mail campaign. Choose from specialty, along with licensed and living-in state address information.

  • Nearly 300k Mailing Addresses
  • Over 240k Phone Numbers
  • 210k+ Email Addresses
  • 80+ specialties

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Our Clients are Saying

testimonial "When you become a customer, all the training is really included."
Tom Rossi, Vice President- Physician Recruitment, HCA - Brentwood, TN

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