Marion VA Medical Center

VA Benefits

Paid Time Off:

  • 26 Days paid annual (vacation/personal) leave
  • 13 Days paid sick leave each year with no limit on accumulation
  • 11 Federal holidays with pay annually
  • 5 Days paid absence to attend approved CME courses


  • Health Insurance: VA employees have an outstanding number of health insurance plans from which to choose (premiums are partially paid by VA) Lifetime Healthcare Insurance options available
  • Dental & Vision: Our insurance options also include exceptional vision and dental plans (premiums are partially paid by VA)
  • VA employees have the option to use Flexible Spending Accounts, which allow you to use tax-free dollars to pay for medical, dental, and vision care expenses that are not reimbursed by your health insurance plan
  • Term life insurance, family, and additional coverage options are available with the cost shared by the Federal Government
  • Long-term care insurance is available as an option

Federal Retirement Plan:

  • VA employees are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). FERS is a three-tiered retirement plan composed of 1) Social Security benefits, 2) FERS-RAE basic benefits (pension), and 3) Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) which is a 401K-type plan
  • How is the pension funded? VA employees automatically contribute 4.4% of their salary each pay period and the VA contributes 12.2% of the employee’s salary each pay period for a total annual contribution percentage equal to 16.6% of the employee’s salary
  • Similar to the 401(k) savings plans widely available in the private sector, the TSP allows employees to tax defer a portion of their income each year, subject to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. For calendar year 2020, employees under the age of 50 may contribute up to $19,500, while those over age 50 are eligible to make catch-up contributions that allow them to defer up to $25,500.
  • The Federal Government also provides an automatic basic contribution (1% of salary) and up to 4% of salary in matching contributions, depending on the amount of the employee contribution
  • For retired military personnel, these benefits are in addition to full monthly retirement pay or pension
  • In addition to FERS, VA provides health care insurance coverage for retired personnel
  • Disability Retirement
  • Employees are vested in a federal pension after only 5 years service

The VA Medical Center in Marion, Illinois, was built in 1942. Our present Health Care System provides care to 49,000 veterans annually in 27 counties in Southern Illinois, 8 counties in Southwestern Indiana, and 17 counties in Northwest Kentucky.

The VA Medical Center in Marion, Illinois, is a general medical and surgical facility that operates 55 acute care beds and a 60 bed Community Living Center. Ten Outpatient Clinics that provide primary care and behavioral medicine services are located in Harrisburg; Carbondale; Effingham; and Mt. Vernon, IL; Paducah; Madisonville; Owensboro; and Mayfield, Kentucky; Vincennes and Evansville, IN.

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