2020 Physician Salary Survey
Q2: Which of the following best describes your current practice setting?
Respondents have been in the profession for an average of 18 years and almost 12 years in their current position
Almost all are in direct patient care
Q3: How many years have you been in the profession?
Q4: How many years have you been in your current position?
Q5: What percent of your responsibilities include: direct patient care, administrative, other?
Almost half are between the ages of 30 and 49
Hospital physicians tend to be a much younger mix
Q16: Which of the following categories best describes your age?
More than one third of respondents were female physicians
Gender distribution was relatively the same across settings
Almost half of younger physicians were female
Q17: What is your gender?
Most physician received compensation with base salary or salary plus bonus
Hospital physicians were more likely than office physicians to receive base salary or salary plus bonus.
Q6B: What payment model does your compensation fall under?
25% received a sign-on bonus Median bonus was $19,000
Q7: : When you started in your current position, did you receive a sign-on bonus?
Almost half are very or extremely satisfied with their current position
Q6: Overall, for your current position, how would you rate your job satisfaction?
One third of respondents are very or extremely satisfied with their current earnings
Q12: How satisfied were you with your earnings in 2019?
Job satisfaction was higher than earnings satisfaction
Female respondents tended to be less likely to be satisfied
Q6: Overall, for your current position, how would you rate your job satisfaction? Q12: How satisfied were you with your earnings in 2019?
The salary mix is similar for office based and hospital based physicians
Office based settings seemed to have slightly more higher salaried respondents
Q9: To the nearest $1,000 approximately how much did you earn last year, not including annual bonuses?
Roughly 60% have total compensation in the $100k to $300k range
Total compensation mix is similar for office and hospital physicians
Q9: To the nearest $1,000 approximately how much did you earn last year, not including annual bonuses? Q10: How much did you earn last year as an annual bonus?
More than half of physicians are not receiving annual bonuses
44% received an annual bonus, median bonus was around $20,000
Q10: How much did you earn last year as an annual bonus?
37% of physicians earned more in 2019 than 2018
27% of respondents had outstanding student loans
Only 9% of those (51/543) were receiving student loan assistance
Around 60% of those with an outstanding student loan balance expected it to be paid off within 10 years
Q12: Did you have any student loans with an outstanding balance in 2019?
Q13B: How many years until your loans will be paid off?
Q14: Did you receive student loan assistance in 2019?
Around 50% of physicians attended 1 or 2 medical conferences last year
Office based and hospital physicians were similar
Q19: How many medical conference did you attend last year?
Most physicians did not contact a recruiter last year
Hospital physicians tended to contact recruiters more often than office physicians
Q20: How many times in the last year did you contact a medical recruiter about an opening for a physician position?
Only 3% of respondents attended a career fair in 2019 Around 50% of physicians who attended a career fair found it to be helpful or somewhat helpful
Almost 65% of those who attended went to a live career fair (n=68 physicians)
Q19B: Did you attend career fairs in 2019?
Q19C: Were the career fairs live or virtual?
Q19D: How would you rate the career fairs?
Emailis the preferred method of recruitment for most physicians
Office based physicians were more likely to prefer not being recruited compared to Hospital physicians
Q21: How do you prefer to be recruited for a new opportunity?
Respondents were geographically dispersed