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Residency Application Process: Ranking Programs After Interviewing

  • Interviewing is a vital step in the residency process: they're not the only ones doing an interview — you're interviewing them, as well.

Although you have already created your Rank Order List, it is important that after you have gathered the necessary information about each program, you re-create that list. It's okay if none of the programs change place on your list, but you should remember what your non-negotiables are for a residency program. When re-creating your list, you should make sure that every single institution you interviewed at is on your list, as this will increase your chances of Matching. Remember to rank the programs based on your preference rather than which programs you think you will be ranked by.

Things to know about Match

It is also important to keep in mind that when you Match somewhere, the Match is tentative. In addition, if you Match somewhere, you may be removed from the program to make room for someone who was ranked higher. You should also note that a Match commitment is binding, so you are obligated to accept the position and begin training if a Match occurs.

Even if you don't get Matched during Match season, all hope is not lost. After Match season ends, there is a post-Match scramble process, referred to as the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). This program was developed to assist applicants and programs in filling positions that are still open after the Match happens. Similar to the original Match process, all applicants must apply to programs using ERAS and are prohibited from communicating with programs directly. Positions are offered to SOAP participants in three rounds during SOAP week, and each round is 2 hours long.

  • Join the Physician Ambassador Program to earn additional income during training;
  • Create your free PracticeMatch profile so you can apply for jobs with a click of a button;
  • Download the Career Fair List so you can save the dates.