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Addressable Geofencing

PracticeMatch's Addressable Geofencing is a cutting-edge geo-targeting solution that offers unmatched precision in targeting potential candidates by using the most accurate address-level plat line data. This technology enables the creation of highly targeted audiences based on specific physical addresses, ensuring your messages are delivered to the right physician audience with pinpoint accuracy.

Unlike traditional location-based marketing, Addressable Geofencing utilizes detailed property boundaries to set virtual perimeters around desired locations. This approach allows physician recruiters to directly target healthcare professionals at their homes, offices, or specific institutions, significantly enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of recruitment campaigns. By focusing efforts on precisely defined audiences, Addressable Geofencing ensures optimal use of resources, making it a powerful tool in the recruitment toolkit.

PracticeMatch Addressable Geofencing

What is Addressable Geofencing?

Geofencing technology empowers recruiters with the ability to target healthcare providers in exact locations with unprecedented precision. Whether the target area is adjacent to a medical facility, within the bustling environment of a healthcare conference, or even near the premises of a competitor, geofencing facilitates the delivery of recruitment messages directly to those specific locations. This capability not only ensures the relevance of the recruitment efforts by reaching providers where they are most likely to be engaged in their professional context but also enhances the timeliness of these efforts. By targeting individuals in locations where they are likely to be thinking about their careers, recruiters can capitalize on moments of maximum impact.

The process of utilizing Addressable Geofencing through PracticeMatch involves a sophisticated yet streamlined approach. Initially, recruiters provide the street addresses of their desired candidate audience. These addresses represent the physical locations where potential candidates may reside or work. PracticeMatch then employs these addresses to create digital geofences that adhere closely to the precise plat lines of each address, thereby defining the target area with high accuracy.

Once these digital boundaries are established, any mobile devices detected within these plat lines can be targeted with a variety of advertising formats, including mobile ads, video ads, and ads on Over-The-Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) platforms. This broad spectrum of advertising channels ensures that recruitment messages can reach potential candidates on the devices and platforms they use most frequently, enhancing the visibility and effectiveness of the recruitment campaign.

By leveraging the capabilities of Addressable Geofencing, recruiters can execute highly focused and effective recruitment campaigns. This technology not only enables targeting based on geographic location but also allows for the customization of recruitment messages to suit the specific audience based on where they are located. As a result, Addressable Geofencing stands as a powerful tool in the recruitment toolkit, offering a strategic advantage in attracting top talent in the healthcare industry.

PracticeMatch's geofence advertising offers physician recruiters a multitude of benefits, from precision targeting and custom audience creation to enhanced brand visibility and measurable results. By leveraging this powerful tool, recruiters can navigate the competitive landscape of physician recruitment with greater ease, effectiveness, and efficiency, securing the top talent necessary to advance their healthcare organizations.

Watch this video about Addressable Geofencing

How does it work?

Physical addresses that an advertiser wants to target are uploaded onto our platform. These addresses are then matched against plat line data to collect the exact physical location, size, and shape of the individually matched address.

Advertisers begin by uploading the physical addresses of their desired targets onto our sophisticated platform. These specific addresses undergo a detailed matching process against comprehensive plat line data, which meticulously identifies the exact physical location, dimensions, and contours of each address on an individual basis. This precision ensures that the digital geofencing accurately mirrors the real-world boundaries of the targeted properties, providing a foundation for highly targeted marketing efforts.

The utilization of this technology brings a suite of benefits that significantly enhances the effectiveness of advertising campaigns:

  • Highly Precise Targeting The core strength of this approach lies in its exceptional precision. By leveraging detailed plat line data, our platform ensures that the digital geofences created are an exact representation of the physical world, allowing advertisers to target their desired audience with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Scalability Despite its precision, this method is also remarkably scalable, accommodating campaigns of any size. Whether targeting a handful of locations or thousands, the system seamlessly adjusts, ensuring consistent accuracy and efficiency across the board.
  • Extended Reach This technology markedly improves an advertiser's reach. By accurately targeting specific locations, campaigns can engage with audiences that are more likely to be interested in the advertised products or services, thereby expanding the potential customer base beyond traditional means.
  • Detailed Granular Reporting Advertisers gain access to granular reporting capabilities, offering deep insights into the performance of their campaigns. This data includes detailed metrics on audience engagement, allowing for the refinement of strategies and optimization of future campaigns for better results.
  • Cross-Device Engagement A significant advantage of this approach is its ability to engage target audiences across multiple devices. By identifying devices within the targeted geofences, campaigns can deliver consistent messaging across smartphones, tablets, and more, ensuring that the audience remains engaged regardless of the device they use.

Why PracticeMatch

By using PracticeMatch and integrating physical addresses with precise plat line data on our platform, our clients can leverage a range of benefits from pinpoint targeting accuracy to broad scalability and in-depth analytics. This gives us the ability to reach and engage with desired audiences in a manner that is both efficient and effective, across multiple devices and at a granular level.

Healthcare recruiters consistently navigate the complex task of not just reaching out to potential candidates but also effectively capturing their attention within an intensely competitive environment. The geofence advertising services provided by PracticeMatch present an advanced and strategic solution designed to directly confront these challenges. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, recruiters are equipped with a tool that significantly enhances their ability to execute successful recruitment strategies.

This method ensures that recruitment efforts are not only more targeted and precise but also more engaging, providing a critical edge in the crowded healthcare recruitment landscape. PracticeMatch's approach to geofence advertising empowers recruiters to cut through the noise, reach the right candidates, and make compelling connections that resonate.

Range of Benefits

  • Cost-Effectiveness Compared to traditional advertising methods, geofence advertising through PracticeMatch is cost-effective, offering a higher return on investment. Recruiters can reach their desired audience without the scattergun approach of broader advertising methods, ensuring that budget is spent efficiently and effectively.
  • Easy Integration PracticeMatch's geofence advertising can easily integrate with other digital marketing strategies, creating a cohesive and comprehensive marketing approach. Whether used in conjunction with social media campaigns, email marketing, or other digital efforts, geofence advertising amplifies the overall effectiveness of recruitment strategies.
  • Continuous Innovation By partnering with PracticeMatch for geofence advertising, recruiters gain access to continuous innovation in digital marketing technologies. PracticeMatch is committed to staying at the forefront of digital advertising trends, offering recruiters the latest tools and strategies to attract top talent.
  • Competitive In the competitive field of physician recruitment, standing out is crucial. PracticeMatch's geofence advertising provides recruiters with a competitive edge by allowing them to reach potential candidates in innovative ways. Whether it's targeting competitors' locations or areas with high concentrations of healthcare professionals, geofence advertising positions your opportunities in front of the right audience at the right time.

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How does PracticeMatch Addressable Geofencing Work