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Do You Have The Top Incentives Rural Physicians Are Looking For?

Do You Have The Top Incentives Rural Physicians Are Looking For?

Healthcare Provider shortages have made rural care Physicians an in-demand commodity. This demand makes recruiting these Physicians especially challenging, requiring organizations to offer top incentives.‌ To ensure that you are offering what Physicians are looking for in a rural care job, consider the results of a University of Colorado School of Medicine assessment* evaluating factors valued by young Physicians considering careers in rural medicine.

Good Clinical Coverage Does your organization provide sufficient clinical coverage for your Physicians? When marketing yourself to potential candidates consider explaining what your coverage policies are and how you support your Physicians.

Access to Colleagues (i.e. Subspecialists, Consultations & Telemedicine) Physicians don't want to feel like they are all alone, practicing outside of their comfort zone. Ensure that you are providing your Physicians with access to consulting colleagues and telemedicine options that help them provide top-level care.

A Financially Stable Organization A steady income is important for Physicians considering rural practice settings. To capitalize on this, consider accentuating the positives of your organization's fiscal stability and share how it will benefit your prospective hire.

Medical Personnel Support Having a solid staff working with you can make all the difference in medical practice. It is important to ensure that your organization has sufficient nursing, tech, and allied health staffing levels to support your rural Physicians.

CME Opportunities It is critical for Physicians to maintain their licensure and stay abreast of changes through continuing medical education (CME). To attract Physicians to your practice, ensure that you are providing access to in-house or CME reimbursement opportunities for your prospective Physicians.

Loan Repayment This option is always attractive to Physicians saddled with considerable student loan debt from their medical training.

Community with Access to Larger Cities Jobs with ready access to the amenities of a larger city are considerably more attractive than isolated communities.

Community Perks Everyone wants the best for their families. Communities with good schools and available shopping are more likely to attract both candidates and their spouses when looking at employment opportunities.

Community Need & Support To increase your appeal, consider marketing your community's need for a local Physician and how much they will be appreciated and relied upon for their services.


* Assessment of Factors for Recruiting and Retaining Medical Students to Rural Communities Using the Community Apgar Questionnaire Alex J. Reed, PsyD, et al. Fam Med 2017;49(2):132-6

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