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Traits to Look for in a Physician CandidateCrystal Carter

Recruiting candidates for any position can be a difficult task, so we’re here to make it a little simpler. If you’re unsure where you should start in the candidate search process, PracticeMatch can help!

Traits to look for in a physician candidate

Even though a candidate may be nervous, they should exude some sort of confidence when they speak. If you find that it seems they are trying to come up with information on the spot, they may not be the best candidate for you or your company. This can vary based on your own personal recruiting process and whether or not you are interviewing candidates directly. In general, however, they should be able to speak confidently about their personal experiences and their skills related to the open position.

In most cases, something is bound to go wrong. This could be something at the fault of an employee, the company, or someone external. Regardless, whichever candidate is chosen for the job, they should be quick on their feet. It isn’t a complete dealbreaker if they can’t think quickly, but it will put them at a disadvantage in the future, especially if they are seeking any type of leadership role, or a role that requires them to make their own judgment.

The ideal candidate will be motivated from the beginning. They should be motivated to learn everything they can about the role – location, job duties, hours, etc. The candidate should be able to show that they want to complete the job properly rather than just being able to check a box. Someone who is interested in the work they will be doing is more likely to do the job to the best of their ability. Not only that, but they will likely be motivated to learn as much as humanly possible about the role and everything surrounding it.

While not a necessary requirement for most jobs, leadership skills show responsibility. Even if a candidate’s leadership skills were obtained in a retail or food service setting, they should still be considered for the role. Working with the general public on a daily basis is just as commendable as working in an office, and can provide many life skills that are unable to be obtained elsewhere.

It should be clear that your perfect candidate is passionate about the role for which they are interviewing. If there isn’t a light in their eyes or the pitch of their voice doesn’t change when they’re giving an answer to one of your questions, they may not be the right person for the job. You shouldn’t be looking for someone to fill the position just for the sake of filling it. It is important that they are a right fit for the company. This includes the company environment, the job duties, the skillset, and more.

As always, we love to hear from you! You can reach out to us at if there is anything you wish to share with us.

Crystal Carter

Crystal Carter, Content Marketing Specialist

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