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Understanding Millennials: Recruiting Through Social Channels

Understanding Millennials: Recruiting Through Social Channels

Millennial use of social media platforms is considerably different than that of previous generations. According to the Pew Research Center's Social Media Use in 2018 survey, most Millennials use at least four digital platforms.‌ Tapping into their social media habits can greatly enhance your physician recruiting success and help you effectively target this important demographic.

Recruiting Millennials on Social Channels

Unlike their predecessors, Millennials are active on a variety of social channels, and often review a prospective employers' presence before committing to an interview or accepting a job offer. Ensuring that your company is well represented on these critical platforms will help to enhance your physician recruiting opportunities.


YouTube is the hottest ticket for reaching and recruiting Millennials. 94% of Millennials endorse using the platform, making it the most popular for this demographic. YouTube is also the highest trafficked amongst all generations 49 years and younger, boasting numbers that exceed Facebook use.

Because YouTube has such a high engagement rate among Millennials, utilizing your channel to share videos about the culture, benefits, and available positions is an opportunity that should not be missed. YouTube offers advertising options so that you can be sure you are reaching Millennial physicians who are likely looking for new positions.


Younger Millennials use Snapchat more than any other generation. 78% endorse using Snapchat, often several times a day.

Older Millennials rank second in the use of this platform, with more than half endorsing use of Snapchat.


Younger Millennials report the highest use of Instagram amongst those surveyed. 71% of this age group endorse using this social media platform. Older Millennials also report high use of Instagram, with over half endorsing regular use.

Physician recruiting strategies on Instagram are often geared towards determining whether the position is an ideal cultural match. This works in two ways:

  1. Potential employees are able to research your company to determine whether the values expressed match their personal preferences and expectations.
  2. Physician recruiters are able to review a potential employee's public profile to assess whether that person will be a good match for the current team.


Millennials are the largest group of Twitter users. Approximately 40% of Millennials endorse using the platform. Twitter offers both Organic and Paid Advertising physician recruiting opportunities. While Twitter does not have the long sessions that occur on YouTube and Facebook, it can be a great place to build brand awareness among Millennial physicians so that they are aware of your opportunities when they are ready to seek employment.


Recent findings suggest that Facebook use amongst Millennials has declined but continues to be high, with 80% of Millennials endorsing its use. Your physician recruiting strategies should include a mix of Organic and Paid Social content that targets potential employees and exposes them to the job offerings that are available as well as incentives such as benefits and cultural factors.


LinkedIn continues to be an effective way to reach prospective hires, with 50% of college educated Americans endorsing use of its platform.

Recruiting Millennials Through Advertising

Millennials are also breaking the mold when it comes to advertising. Unlike other generations, Millennials are more likely to sit through paid advertisements if the content is free (2). Free content appears to be the driving force for their acceptance of this media intrusion. An important caveat to this finding is that, although they will sit through paid advertising, they are more likely to be engaged during that time in alternate social media use (2).

Your physician recruiting strategies must be geared towards the platforms on which Millennials spend the majority of their time in order to effectively target them with new employment opportunities. For this highly social generation, social media recruitment strategies must continue to be refined and expanded.

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