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Physician Marketing Strategies

Physician marketing strategies are continuously evolving and changing with advancements in technology. In the past, organizations would rely heavily on print ad campaigns to get the word out about their open positions, but digital marketing has joined the mix. Digital marketing allows more personalized advertisements based on key demographics like specialty or geographic area through geo-targeted ads. Many organizations are going after the same physicians, so how can you make your hospital stand out from the rest?

Switch Up Your Marketing

Create ad sets with different messaging. One great thing about digital advertising, is many websites like Facebook, allow users to upload multiple ad images for an ad campaign. This gives organizations the chance to change up messaging and try different images to entice candidates. Avoid creating ad sets that are text-heavy since most ads are viewed on a phone or computer, it will be hard to read.

Utilize your current physicians for testimonials. Work with current physicians to collect testimonials for a social media campaign, or to add to your current marketing efforts. Utilize interview questions like “Why did you choose our organization?” or “Why do you continue to work at a hospital?” to get the conversation started. There are even free online resources to create social media graphics if you don’t have a graphic design team in-house.

Take videos of your campus(es). With social distancing guidelines in place, many candidates are missing out on a traditional site visit. Work with your hospital administration, human resources, and marketing team to figure out the logistics of filming the campus, operating rooms, and other areas of interest. At a physician conference a few years ago, one organization was advertising 3D tours of their newest clinic by including a Virtual Reality Viewer giveaway.  This was an effective way to not only get physicians interested in talking but also interested in touring the facility on their own time.

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