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PracticeMatch Has News: More Data, Better Data, and Streamlined Physician Recruitment Solutions

After careful consideration and strategic evaluation, we will be migrating the Profiles data over to PracticeMatch. This decision was not taken lightly, and it was made with consideration for the long-term health and sustainability of quality data within the physician recruitment landscape.

We want to assure you that this decision will have no immediate impact on the services and support we provide to you. Our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions remains unwavering. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption during this process.

Here are some key points to note:

  1. Continuity of Services: We are committed to delivering the same level of excellence you have come to expect from us. Your current projects and contracts with us will continue without interruption.
  2. Transition Plan: Our team is working diligently on a transition plan to ensure the transfer of any ongoing responsibilities or projects is handled seamlessly. We will keep you informed of any relevant changes and updates.
  3. Future Collaboration: The migration over to PracticeMatch will open doors and services to allow you to even more candidate data and products. The collaboration with PracticeMatch will help align your needs and objectives with an expanded reach and streamlined workflows. We will be in touch to discuss these possibilities in more detail.
  4. Support and Questions: If you have questions or concerns about this transition or its impact on your business, please contact your dedicated client account manager, our client support team, or your Sales Representative. We are here to assist you every step of the way.

We understand that this news may raise questions, and we are committed to providing you with transparent communication and support throughout this process. We appreciate your trust in us, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.

We are confident that this strategic decision will ultimately enable us to better serve you and the broader market.

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